CE Academy Application Form

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Student's Personal Information

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Person dropping student at school

Person collecting student from school

Student's Medical Details

Please select one option.

Medical Aid

Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Please select one option.
Medical Consent

In a critical medical situation, please bear in mind that there may not be time to refer to the student's medical records.

CE Academy therefore reserves the right to utilise the quickest medical service available. The undersigned, being the Parent / Guardian of the student hereby agree that a medical practitioner may provide emergency treatment as may be necessary.

Please select one option.
Details of Father / Stepfather / Guardian

Please select one option.
Details of Mother / Stepmother / Guardian

Please select one option.
Additional Contact

Terms and Conditions

I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the information given by me in this Application for Admission is complete and accurate.

I also agree to the conditions set out herein. I accept that CE Academy is based on Christian principles and undertake that this will not be undermined. I understand that the prescribed number of students per class may be exceeded.
Please select one option.
Account Holder

Please note the following Payment Terms:

- Fees are payable monthly, in advance on, or before the First (1st) of every calendar month.
- Fees can also be paid annually, in advance on, or before the Thirty First (31st) of January. (5% discount)
- CE Academy reserves the right to charge interest on all accounts in arrears with 30 days or longer.
- Fee increases will take place in January.
- The Enrolment Fee is a once-off and non-refundable fee.
- If the Account Holder neglects to pay the account, CE Academy may refuse the student access to the school.
- Notice: The Account Holder undertakes to give Two (2) calendar months' notice of termination of the enrolment of the student, failing which the liability be incurred for the full amount of the following month's fee.
- Notice can unfortunately not be given during the fourth term.

I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the information given by the Account Holder in this Application for Admission is complete and accurate.

I accept full responsibility and liability for the punctual payment of the once-off, non-refundable Enrolment Fee as well as the punctual payment of CE Academy fees.

Please select one option.
Required Supporting Documentation

We require the following Supporting Documentation:

- Copy of student's Birth Certificate.
- Copy of latest report (only if student transferred from another school).
- Copy of Parents / Guardian's ID documents.
General Indemnity

The School and the CE Academy (Pty) Ltd Board of Directors undertake to implement reasonable and generally acceptable measures with regard to the safety and wellbeing of all students, educators, and visitors to the School. Due to the nature of the matter, the School and the CE Academy (Pty) Ltd Board of Directors do not accept any responsibility for incidents that may take place in the class, on the playgrounds or in the building. 
Each Parent is therefore requested to complete the section below as proof that you accept the position of the School and the CE Academy (Pty) Ltd Board of Directors as set out above as well as the risks involved therewith. 
Hereby, the undersigned, the Parent / Legal Guardian of the student who is enrolled as such and accepted by the School, subject to the terms set out herein, indemnify the School and the CE Academy (Pty) Ltd Board of Directors of the CE Academy (Pty) Ltd for any losses or damages in general, however, they may occur, that I as Parent / Legal Guardian of the student may suffer as a result of any occurrence whereby the student may be involved, whether as the causing or suffering party, whilst participating in any school activity. 
In particular, I authorize that the aforesaid student may be involved in all excursions undertaken by his / her group or class during school days as part of his / her learning experience and, where applicable, I agree that he / she may utilize the transport arranged by the School for such excursions. I also indemnify the School and the CE Academy (Pty) Ltd Board of Directors for any damages or losses that I as Parent / Legal Guardian of the student may suffer under such circumstances and voluntarily accepts the risks associated therewith. 
In the event of the student making use of a bus service to and from the School, I acknowledge that I am aware that such service is operated by an independent contractor and that neither the School nor the CE Academy (Pty) Ltd Board of Directors accepts any responsibility, therefore. The CE Academy (Pty) Ltd Board of Directors will, however, in awarding the right to operate the service, lay down certain conditions to ensure that the transport company complies with safety regulations and that the driver is of sober habits and experienced, with a proven and unblemished record.

Please select one option.
Permission to use photos

I understand and acknowledge that, from time to time, informal photographs are taken of the school and its' students, and that these photos may be used in electronic or print media which has been approved by CE Academy.
Please select one option.

I hereby give consent for my details to be used by CE Academy to inform me of any school matters, newsletters and upcoming events.
We agree to keep your personal information safe and secure.
For more information on how to protect your data, please read our Privacy Policy, available on our website: https://cecapetownnorth.org/privacy-policy/

Please select one option.


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